Our firm strives to assist victims of abuse by helping them obtain the protection that they need. Our firm also helps people who have been falsely accused of abuse so that their rights are protected. No matter who we represent, our main goal is to ensure that every one of our clients is confident that they received the best possible legal representation.
We always welcome prospective clients to meet with us for a free consultation so that we may discuss the law and their options and we welcome you to call us at 215-348-1776 to schedule your free consultation. We have found that many people have the same questions so we have complied those questions below and provided answers to each. If obtaining or defending against a PFA is of concern to you, please take the time to review the information we have provided below. If any of our answers cause you to have additional questions, you are welcome to call us at 215-348-1776 to further discuss the matter.
A Protection from Abuse Order is an order signed by the judge that protects the victim of abuse from the abuser and prohibits the abuser from abusing and in some cases even having contact with the victim. Violating the order can have serious consequences such as heavy fines or incarceration. A PFA Order provides equal protection to male and female victims of abuse.
Abuse is defined as physical abuse, a threat which places you in immediate fear of physical injury, or a pattern of conduct (such as stalking) which places you in immediate fear of physical injury.
An individual may only obtain a PFA against a family member or someone with whom they have been in a relationship.
A PFA Order can protect you and your children in the following ways:
You can begin the process by visiting your local County Courthouse and completing a Petition for Protection From Abuse. You may then file the completed petition with the Court and await your court date. We frequently assist people with filing PRA petitions and we would be happy to also assist you.
Unfortunately, sometimes people misuse PFA petitions to gain the upper hand in a divorce or custody dispute. If a PFA is filed against you, you may have a temporary order entered against you that prohibits you from having contact with the person who filed the petition or prohibits you from entering your home. You will also be notified of a court date that will most likely occur within a week. It is important that you immediately consult with an attorney who can explain the process to you more fully and who can represent you at the hearing to ensure that a permanent order is not entered against you. We would be happy to meet with you for a free consultation which you can schedule by calling 215-348-1776.
Our experienced attorneys have appeared in court in counties throughout the Philadelphia and Suburban areas, including Bucks County and Montgomery County, and we understand how important your matter is to you.
Terry W. Clemons is the proud founder of the law firm of Clemons Richter & Reiss. Terry focuses his practice on representing individuals, municipalities and homeowner associations in complex civil matters. After graduating with honors from both West Virginia Wesleyan College and the George Washington University Law School, Terry served as law clerk to the Honorable Edmund V. Ludwig of the Bucks County Court of Common Pleas.
Clemons, Richter & Reiss, P.C.
Attorneys at Law
2003 South Easton Road, Suite 300,
Doylestown, PA 18901
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