It is vital that you entrust your important family law issues with a law firm that is committed, knowledgeable and responsive to your needs. Clemons Richter & Reiss welcomes the opportunity to help you with the difficult issues that arise in a family law case.
Services include:
- Divorce
- Child Support
- Custody
- Alimony & Spousal Support
- Annulment
- Equitable Distribution
- Property Settlement Agreements
- Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
- Division of Employment and Retirement Benefits
- Grandparents’ Custody Rights
- Protection from Abuse
Our firm will always attempt to amicably resolve your case before involving the courts in what can become a time-consuming and expensive process. However, there are instances in which you are best served involving the courts, and it is in those instances that you will be especially happy that you hired our experienced litigation attorneys.
Please contact our firm at 215-348-1776 to schedule a free Family Law consultation during which we will discuss your case and your options. We understand the importance of being available to you while we resolve your family law case in a swift and favorable manner.